Written Exam Requirements
The Written Real Estate Salesperson Exam
Applicants are required to schedule their Real Estate Salesperson exam online. In order to schedule your examination, you must have an eAccessNY account. In addition to being able to apply for the exam, you will be able to view your scheduled exam details and exam results online.
Create My Account
For New Licensees or Registrants
Access My Account
For Licensee or Registrant with an Active Account
Persons with disabilities who require accessibility information should call 518-474-4429.
Persons who require testing modifications should not schedule an exam and, should instead, call 518-474-4429.
What To Bring
1. A form of government issued signature identification which must be photo-bearing. Your identification MUST BE CURRENT (not expired) and from the following list:
- * driver’s license
- * state issued identification (ex. non-driver ID)
- * IDNYC Card (NYC Identification Card)
- * military ID
- * United States Passport
- * Employment Authorization Card (issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services)
- * United States INS issued ID
- * Certificate of US citizenship
- * Foreign Passport
- * Brazilian, Mexican, Honduran, and Ecuadorian Consular ID
2. The page you were requested to print when you scheduled your exam on eAccessNY. This page is referred to as the “Summary of Your Submission” and includes all of your exam information, including your candidate number.
Exam Site Policies
- Calculators are permitted if they are battery or solar powered, silent, nonprinting and do not contain an alphabetic keyboard. PDA’s are not allowed.
- Cellular phones, beepers and any other electronic devices MUST be turned off during the exam.
- Dictionaries, books, other reference materials, large bags and briefcases are not allowed at the exam site. Do not bring these materials to the exam site as there is no place to store them.
- Eating, drinking or smoking is not permitted at the exam site. If you bring food or beverages, you will be asked to dispose of them before entering the exam site.
- Visitors, guests and children are not permitted at the exam site.
- Firearms are not allowed at the exam site. Please contact our exam unit at (518) 473-2731 for questions pertaining to this policy.
- Any person found using notes, books, or other aids; giving or receiving help; removing examination materials or notes from the exam site; causing a disturbance or engaging in practices contrary to the rules of proper examination conduct will be dismissed from the exam site. Any decisions regarding disciplinary measures will be made by the Exam Supervisor at the Department of State.
Score Reporting
- Exam results are reported as either passed or failed; you will not receive a numerical score. Passed exam results are only valid for a period of two years. Results will not be given over the phone, so please do not call Licensing Services for them.
- Exam results will be available online by utilizing your account in eAccessNY. The exam results will be available as soon as possible after they are received by the Exam Unit and scored.
- If you pass the exam, you should apply online utilizing your account in eAccessNY.
- If you fail the exam, you can schedule another exam by utilizing your account in eAccessNY.
About the Exam
- The written exam is multiple choice and based on the 77-hour pre-licensing curriculum.
- Applicants will be allowed 1 1/2 hours to complete the test. The allotted time begins at the conclusion of the instructions.
Exam Sites
**Exams may be canceled due to weather conditions or other emergencies. If hazardous weather conditions exist in your area, visit us on Facebook or Twitter to see if an exam has been canceled. Please do not call the exam site.
If you need assistance or exam information, you may contact a Division of Licensing Services office in your area or call the Albany phone center at 518-474-4429. TDD users may contact the New York State relay operator at 1-800-662-1220.
New York Department of State